Washington County Democrats are committed to electing quality people to office, at all levels of government, who understand this area’s unique challenges and opportunities.
Jonathan Goble, Chair
Cherryfield, ME
Andrew Pratt, 1st Vice Chair
Cutler, ME
Lisa Marin, 2nd Vice Chair
Jonesport, ME
Sarah Gormady, Treasurer
Eastport, ME
Norma Vela, Secretary
Cherryfield ME

Jonathan Goble, County Chair & Alternate Treasurer
Cutler, ME
Jacqueline Capitina, Chair Alternate
South Addison ME
Lisa Marin, Member
Jonesport, ME
Andrew Pratt, Member
Cutler, ME
H. Lori Schnieders, Member
East Machias, ME
Anne Stanley, Alternate Member
Eastport, ME
Reproductive Rights
People have the right to bodily autonomy, and reproductive justice. These encompass the entire spectrum of reproductive care, including contraception and abortion. Due to recent decisions by the Supreme Court, we must assert that people's reproductive rights shall not be abridged and shall be preserved and protected according to long-standing law and the constitutional right to privacy.
Civil & Human Rights
We believe in a democratic government that cherishes our Constitution, especially its guarantees of free speech, free exercise of religion, separation of church and state, and freedom from all forms of discrimination. The inherent dignity and the equal and inalienable rights of all human beings are the foundations of freedom, justice and peace in the world. The strength of our democracy rests on the rights and responsibilities set forth in the United States Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Democrats must continue their traditional leadership in championing the civil rights of all.
Achieving adequate state funding for public education, including pre-kindergarten;
Economic Development
Encouraging economic development that does not compromise the natural resources that are vital to our local fisheries and farms;
Assuring access to affordable health insurance for all residents, including expanded MaineCare to assist those least able to afford coverage;
We must strive to be responsible stewards of the environment, our communities, and our planet. All people, including future generations, have the right to clean air, water, and a healthy natural environment.
Guaranteeing state support for highways, ports, and other public infrastructure that is essential for a vibrant economy;
If you are interested in helping elect candidates who will support government policies that will benefit residents of Washington County or are interested in learning more about the Washington County Democratic Committee, please subscribe to our newsletter so you can join our monthly meetings. We are also happy to try to answer any questions you have. You are free to unsubscribe at any time.